
To improve neonatal care in Punjab and nearby states by providing Intensive care to sick neonates, promoting family centered care,  research relevent to neonatal and perinatal needs and providing quality education to health care workers.

To provide quality medical education and research to provide leaders equipped with capabilities to have long term impact on neonatal health and services through clinical research, community participation and policies


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More Info.
Dr. Manish Swami
MBBS, MD, DM (Neonatology)
Assistant Professor


Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU), KMC (Kangaroo mother care), Care to Extreme preterm and extremely low birth weight neonates, Advanced mode of ventilation, Neonatal follow up clinic (NFC)

OPD Schedule:

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Title Principal Investigator Co Investigator Collaboration, if any (Department and institute) Funding Agency Projects Status

Expansion planned for the future:

Unit expansion planned for the future:

  1. To Provide care to neonates with birth asphyxia and advanced monitoring (Therapeutic Hypothermia, aEEG).
  2. To Establish comprehensive child development and early stimulation centre.
  3. To Extend care to Outborn Neonates (Outborn NICU).
  4. To establish MNICU(Mother and Neonatal NICU).      

Academic expansion plan:
To Start training programs (DM/Fellowship) in Neonatology, To establish Neonatal skill lab for Simulation based training for medical and nursing students.