
Department of Pathology helps the medical field by educating the medical students to understand the etiopathogenesis of the disease. As pathology a connection between basic sciences and clinical manifestations and plays an important role in the diagnosis, management and prognosis. Therefore, all the up dated laboratory medicine facilities are being provided with special attention to excel in development of all the sub specialties like Histopathology, Cytopathology, Hematopathology, Immunopathology, oncopathology and autopsy pathology.
The objectives of our department are to provide quality medical education and to refine undergraduate/postgraduate medical students to meet the country’s need for highly qualified doctors and medical teachers. We aim to serve patient needs by setting diagnostic facilities with the advanced technologies to improve the area of laboratory medicine. Our mission is to establish a center of excellence in faculty and technician training, diagnosis and research.


Photo Name & Qualifications Designation Contact & Email

More Info.
Dr. Manjit kaur
MBBS, MD Pathology
Additional Professor & HOD 8427950069

More Info.
Dr. Gargi Kapatia
Assistant Professor

More Info.
Dr. Jasmeen Kaur
Assistant Professor

More Info.
Dr. Ankita Soni
Assistant Professor


            Small Biopsy- TAT 4 days
            Large Specimen- TAT 7 days
            Special stains
            ANA profile
 Molecular services
           Dual in situ hybridization   
          Flow cytometric immunophenotyping of hematolymphoid malignancies and non-neoplastic                                                              hematological disorders.

Routine Haematology
            Sample collection with facility of one-time multiple blood sampling
            Complete Hemogram with 36 parameters and turnaround time of 24 hours
            Peripheral blood Examination
            Peripheral blood Examination for Parasite

Special Haematology
            Complete Coagulation Profile (BT, CT, PT-INR, APTT, D-Dimer, Fibrinogen, Protein C, Protein S, Antithrombin III, all Coagulation factors)
            Lupus screening, Lupus confirm test
            Thalassemia Screening (HPLC)
            Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
            Reticulocyte Stain
            Special Cytochemical stains

Clinical Pathology
            Urine Physical/ Chemical Examination
            Urine Microscopy
            Semen Analysis
            Montoux test
            CSF and fluids cell count

Exfoliated Cytopathology
            PAP smear-Conventional and LBC
            Fluids for cytology
            Urine for Cytology
            Tzanck smear
            Cell Block
            Special Cytochemical stains
            Outside smear review

Fine needle aspiration Cytology
            Direct FNAC (Daily)
            USG Guided FNAC (Tuesday-Friday)
            CT Guided FNAC
            Cell Block
            Special Cytochemical stains
            Outside FNAC review

Intraoperative Cytology
             Imprint Cytology

OPD Schedule:

Consultants Day of Week


Title Principal Investigator Co Investigator Collaboration, if any (Department and institute) Funding Agency Projects Status
CirculatingmicroRNA-590-5pfunction as a liquidbiopsy marker innon-small cell lungcancer Dr Manjit Kaur NIH/NCI.Grant Number:CA093729 ICMR Completed
Hospital BasedCancer Registry Dr Manjit Kaur NationalCancer RegistryProgramme Ongoing
To start testing andtreatment forHaemoglobinopathies and Hemophilia(Blood Bank Partand Treatment part) Dr Manjit Kaur MoHFWGovt of India Ongoing
Regulatory role oflong non-codingRNA in breastcancer pathogenesis.(Collaborator) Dr Manjit Kaur Departmentof Science and Technology Indo- Russian Completed
Unravelling the role of long non-codingRNA(s) in thedevelopment andprogression ofesophagealsquamous cellcarcinoma Dr Manjit Kaur DST-INSPIRE Grant No.IF180680 and RSM Grant from CUPB Completed
Expression profiling of MicroRNA inblood samples from various stages of cancer patients as novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for early detection of cancer Dr Manjit Kaur HSCSIT Ongoing
To evaluate the diagnostic value of intraoperative frozen sectionanalysis in oncology Dr Manjit Kaur Self Funded Completed
To evaluate association of Humanpapilloma virus infection in Breast Cancer in Malwa Region of Punjab Dr Manjit Kaur Self-funded Ongoing
National Health Research Priority on Breast Cancer Survival Studies Dr Manjit Kaur ICMR Ongoing
Screening ofThalassemia (HPLC) Dr Manjit Kaur MoHFWGovt of India Ongoing
A prospectivestudy to evaluateAnaemia asDisease burden inGeriatric patients ata Tertiary carecentre in Punjab Dr Manjit Kaur Non funded Completed
To evaluate cytomorphological details of Atypical Glandular Cells on Cervical Pap Smears as per Bethesda system 2014 in different age groups- A two-year prospective study Dr Manjit Kaur Non funded Completed
DST-PURSE Dr Manjit Kaur DST Ongoing
Array of Orbital-Ocular Lesions in a Tertiary Care Center of Malwa region of Punjab: A Clinicopathological study. Dr Ankita Soni Non-funded Ongoing
To evaluate and correlate the clinical, histopathological and dermoscopic spectrum of cutaneous tumors in a tertiary care institute of North India Dr Ankita Soni Non-funded Ongoing
To evaluate cyto-histopathological correlation of thyroid lesions- A two-year prospective study (Primary Investigator) Dr Gargi Kapatia Ongoing
National Health Research Priority -ISCALL Dr Manjit Kaur ICMR Ongoing
To evaluate and correlate the clinical, histopathological and dermoscopic pattern of cutaneous tumors in a tertiary care center of North India (Primary Investigator) Dr Gargi Kapatia Ongoing

Expansion planned for the future:

  • To establish facility of HLA and CDC for organ transplantation under immunopathology.
  •  To set up immunofluorescence laboratory for Nephropathology and Dermatopathology.
  •  To develop cytogenetic laboratory and Molecular Pathology Laboratory to perform fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) and detailed analyses on nucleic acids.
  •   To establish electron microscopy set up.
  •   To start fellowship and certificate courses for the training of Pathologists and technicians in various sub specialties of Pathology.